
Employee Experience

People first, always​
We are committed to understanding and improving the overall employee experience, which is essential for companies operating in a highly competitive global market.

Work process

We design unforgettable working experiences

Employee Journey Map​
We design and measure all the touchpoints between the company and the collaborators, from their desire to join the organization, up to their departure.
People Analytics
We apply experience indicators through pulse surveys so as to design objective policies, based on the use of data.
Employee Persona
We use quantitative and qualitative information to define representative models of collaborators, adding value to each one of them.
Employee Experience
We use design thinking to redesign collaborators’ experience, focusing on moments that really matter to them.
Employee Value Proposition
We jointly redefine the company's promise to attract employees and build up their loyalty, offering a unique and unrepeatable experience.
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Get to know the benefits of our service
Talent attraction

People are interested in working for your company and hearing positive comments from others who work or have worked there.

Emotional well-being

The increase in well-being at the workplace reduces stress levels by up to 125%.

Clients' satisfaction

Collaborators provide a superior client's experience, which is why satisfaction and loyalty indicators increase.

Talent loyalty

Collaborators choose to stay longer. Staff turnover decreases radically and staff loyalty increases.


People improve their levels of performance, commitment and motivation at work.


Labor costs are reduced (hiring, absenteeism, compensation, etc.) while turnover and benefits are increased.

We are committed to understanding and improving the overall employee experience, which is essential for companies operating on a highly competitive global market.

Do you need advice?​
If you have any questions, contact us!

Clients who trust us​

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